The Elevator Pitch

Hi! I'm Katie. I'm a full stack software engineer with a diverse background in chemical engineering, customer service, and retail operations management. I'm a natural problem solver and a driven self-learner with a passion for efficiency, teamwork, and empathetic communication. My background in technical excellence and customer facing roles gives me a unique perspective on what makes software best for both companies and end users.

Check out my resume! E-mail me


Take a look at some of the projects I've been working on as a part of my General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive, and in my spare time.



Languages and frameworks I work with include:

Python3, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, node.js, expressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, ReactJS, Django, SQL

On a Personal Note

Mainly I'm just a cheerful nerd. I love DC Comics, the Dallas Stars, and going to movies. I read more than almost anyone I know. I love building Lego sets and listening to podcasts about books, the internet, diseases, common misconceptions, and history (and, honestly, probably anything else. Please recommend podcasts to me).

I can usually be found coding at my desk with my dogs, Bruce and Dolly, staring at me from the couch, wondering when our next walk is.